Bothersome Quotes


Facebook ushers me into a plethora of emotions.

While enjoying glimpses into friends lives and the delight that emerges from nature pictures, and appreciating inspiration from people I would like to be my mentors….
some aspects of Facebook have me cringing.

Some quotes at first glance offer sage advice. But instead are validating our self -centered and narrow minded view of life. They reflect a lack of true maturity!

Have you read these? Or some like them?

* Maturity- learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, values, morals or self-worth.

* Keep your distance from people who will never admit they are wrong and always try to make you feel like everything is your fault.


* Don’t cross oceans for people who wouldn’t cross a puddle for you.

There may be times it is best to put distance between ourselves and toxic people. There is wisdom in choosing who our closest companions will be. And we need discernment when to approach or stay geographically distant. And when to speak or when to stay silent.

BUT true maturity will give us the inner strength to stay connected with people who act out, are disrespectful, are self-centered, narcissistic, unkind, draining and needy. These people are struggling in life, experiencing internal turmoil, in need of strong people to come along and guide them into a better personal space. They need help learning to be life -giving members of our community.

I am grateful God was mature enough to cross the heavenly gap into our ‘pond’ and into my ‘mud puddle’. He came into our ‘messy’ world in order that we can experience being saved, restored and redeemed!

I hope to continue to grow my ability to love well those disruptive and ‘unlovely’ people who are in need of love!
The kingdom of God will expand.
As they are restored, our world will be a better place.


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