Maribeth's Mind


Practically Increasing Emotional Stamina

The emotional gym consists of: anger, sad, powerless, shame, fear and disgust. For simplicity sake, we will look at individual emotions. One of the side benefits will be an increasing ability to navigate life when experiencing more than one emotion.

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Disorganized Debbie

Disorganized Debbie

In the past three posts I have looked at 3 different attachment patterns. We began looking at the Secure Attachment, the type of secure bond

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Distracted David

Distracted David

In our last interaction, we focused on the life of “Dismissive Danny”, and the tragic struggle that comes from living a life with minimal awareness

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Dismissive Danny

In my last post I gave a snapshot of what it might look like to grow up in an environment filled with security, mindsight, empathy,

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Living Securely

I recently wrote of a situation in my life, giving responses from different people who have different attachment styles, along with how I was impacted

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Attachment Soil - Maribeth Poole

Attachment Soil

In some of my trainings, I ask: What makes the difference in why some people are able to ‘hear’ and receive logically helpful information and

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